Serving Contextual Communities: The Bond Model
May 4, 2017Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome Parts 1 & 2
May 11, 2017Christ-like Leadership (It’s all about Christ-likeness)
As we reflect back on the GProCongress in 2016, we recall that pastoral health is key to church health, societal health and ultimately transformation. It was a running undercurrent or theme to the GProCongress. Why? Because the quality of our influence hinges on being a holistically healthy pastor.
During the parallel session on Spiritual Engagement, we hammered this theme hard, digging ever deeper into the importance of what it means to be a Christ-like leader! It’s so pivotal that the movement I’m a part of, highlights it as our second of four core outcomes. Even the Lausanne Movement in their global survey on Christian leadership found this issue to be paramount: the character of our leaders is our biggest problem!
This is why on day one of our parallel session, we highlighted Christ-like leadership. Take a look at this blog, highlighting what we learned that day: Spiritual Formation and Vitality.
That blog points to a few first steps you can make on your journey toward pastoral health and Christ-like leadership. For further insight, check out my series of blogs on this subject. On this link Growing in Christ-like Character, you will find a number of linked articles to help you along the way.
Have you found ways to grow in Christ-likeness? If so, please share with us!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joseph W Handley, Jr. (@jwhandley) is the president of Asian Access. Previously, he was the founding director of Azusa Pacific University’s Office of World Mission and lead mission pastor at Rolling Hills Covenant Church. He co-led one of the first multi-national high school mission congresses in Mexico City in 1996 and is a contributing blogger for the Billy Graham Center’s EvangelVision Blog. Joe serves on the International Orality Network leadership team and the board of PacifcLink. He serves on the advisory teams for ELEVATE,, and DualReach. He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. Joe strives to develop leaders for missional movements across Asia. Learn more about Joe’s family:
Asian Access is a vibrant community. We are an interdenominational movement working throughout Asia to identify, develop and release leaders of growing and reproducing churches. We’re focused on training key leaders who will lead the church with vision, character and competence. We are becoming a vibrant community of leaders in twenty countries of Asia, who will unite the church, extend the Kingdom, and transform the cultures of Asia for the glory of God. Learn more: http://www.asianaccess.o