224 results found for: church


Who Decides What: The Pastor or The Board

Guest post from Aaron Buer. Reposted with kind permission from Breeze. Who gets to decide what in your church? If the person who leads the children’s ministry at your church decides that it’s time to redecorate the kid’s classrooms, who needs to approve the decision? Who needs to approve the money allotted, the paint colors chosen, and the hiring of painters? Speaking of children’s ministry, who evaluates the effectiveness of the children’s ministry? Who is involved in the decision to fire or hire a children’s ministry director? The reason I bring these questions up is because in many churches the boundaries […]


Empowering Unlikely Leaders

In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Gerald McDermott discuss empowering leaders with speech impediments. Timecodes: 00:15 McDermott’s book Famous Stutterers 09:17 Moses’s case of stuttering 16:48 Aristotle’s and Demosthenes’s cases of stuttering 21:58 Joshua Chamberlain’s case of stuttering 24:34 King George’s case of stuttering 28:54 McDermott’s own experience of stuttering 33:55 Cause of and cure for stuttering 40:14 Marilyn Monroe’s and Annie Glenn’s cases of stuttering Darrell Bock: Welcome to The Table, where we discuss issues of God and culture. My name is Darrell Bock, executive director for cultural engagement at the Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary. […]

God Nailed It!

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14 As we approach Passion week and the Easter story, it is essential that we take time to consider and reflect on the cross of Jesus and what that truly means. Often in our excitement and joy in the resurrection we quickly move past Good […]


Riptides: When Pastors Play Power Games

Article appeared originally on Evangelicals Now, reposted with generous permission by the same.  You can’t see or even detect them… but that  is precisely why riptides are so lethal. Many an unsuspecting swimmer has been swept out to sea, or perhaps worse, immediately dragged under, by the violent currents beneath the surface. For at the very moment of realising they are in trouble, it’s probably too late. It takes seasoned tide-watchers to alert newcomers to where the dangers lie. Cultural riptides in the West The rapid cultural shifts of recent years can make western Christ-followers feel as vulnerable as swimmers […]


Ramesh Richard and Global Pastoral Training

Podcast interview with J.D. Payne and Dr. Ramesh Richard aired originally on “Strike the Match,”  Missiologically Thinking, reposted with generous permission by the same.  “Church multiplication strategies must include pastoral training. Though some people believe pastoral training gets in the way of making disciples and planting churches, the bible advocates otherwise. “After church planting, what?” asks my guest, Dr. Ramesh Richard. In this episode, we discuss the importance of pastoral training throughout the world. We address the global conversation related to this topic and both formal and non-formal training. Equipping pastors to equip the saints for the work of the ministry […]


If You’re Ready To Give Up On Yourself As A Leader, Some Hope

This post shared with permission of Carey Nieuwhof.  When you start out in leadership, it’s easy to think that everything will be up and to the right. I mean that’s how we plan it out in our heads, isn’t it? And yet every leader I know faces a season or two that threatens to take them out. It just feels too hard—or not worthwhile enough—to continue. For me, it came 12 years ago. It was the year I almost gave up on myself. If you haven’t reached that moment, (sadly) I promise you as a leader it will likely come. Can […]


6 Indicators that it’s Time to End a Ministry

Post reshared with kind permission of Breeze church.  Here’s something I’ve learned recently: Every program, ministry and even church has a life cycle. It’s either picking up steam or running out of energy. It really has nothing to do with how long a church, ministry or program has been around; rather it’s all about energy. A few times a year, we gather key leadership for a strategic conversation. Part of this conversation includes evaluating every ministry and program in our church and placing each in one of four categories. Accelerating Booming Declining Tanking Occasionally, when we all agree that a […]