September 2, 2020

“Testing, Testing, Testing…” Series

We hope you enjoy this timely article series from Dr. Ramesh Richard. “Testing, Testing, Testing” was originally shared in RR Crossing, a RREACH spiritual health resource. Below is an overview of the four-part series complete with the corresponding video message from Dr. Richard. “Testing, Testing, Testing… Global PAN(DEM)IC and a Sound Faith” Introduction “A global contagion has unnerved the collective human psyche. Panic is embedded in pandemic, not solely in letter, but in spirit. The scale and speed of this pathogen have united the world in fear. You, too, may have felt a bit anxious over these exceptional days of […]
May 25, 2020
In this article on perseverance, the writer encourages us to keep going and never give up.

Do Not Surrender

“Do Not Surrender” is part 3 in our article series to help you during Covid-19. You can access previous articles here. To learn more about what inspired this article click here to watch (1:43) video.  “You need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.” Hebrews 10:36 A Real Story. I got this text message from an article written by Dr. Jayshree Shukla and I started translating it and processing its message. Read it carefully. Physical Distancing is a privilege. It means you live in a house large enough to practice it. Hand […]
May 6, 2020
Resources hand selected for support during the Covid-19 pandemic for pastoral leaders and trainers of pastors.

Resources to Help During the Covid-19 Pandemic

All over the world, people are dealing with the effects of COVID-19. As trainers of pastors and pastoral leaders, you and your family are on the front lines of the spiritual response to this pandemic. We want you to know that at this most crucial time, the GProCommunity team is praying for you. We also want to serve and encourage you, your family, and your ministry by sharing a timely message from a different member of our team from their region of the world. For our first article, content curator, Dr. Jason Richard Tan shares from the Philippines. We encourage you […]
April 30, 2020
Pastor Reich shares his insight into what post-covid ministry could look like when the pandemic is over.

What Will Ministry in a Post-Covid World Look Like?

This article on ministry in a post-Covid world is reshared with kind permission from Pastor Joshua Reich. The other day, I was on a Zoom call with a bunch of pastors, and we were talking about what is working and not working in this new world. As the call went on, we started to discuss what will come next for churches. The world is different today than it was in January. And while some think once everything opens up, life will return as it was, I don’t believe that. Yes, some things will go back to “normal,” but the world […]
April 23, 2020
Pastor Forero shares the thought that being in quarantine doesnt equal stillness. Being still before the Lord is where true peace can be found.

Stillness Versus Quarantine

In the face of world-wide quarantine, Pastor César Forero outlines God’s call to stillness to believers.  We hope you will be encouraged by our second devotional in this series of weekly articles over the next few weeks.  For more on Pastor César, the situation in Panama, and what inspired his devotional, click on the image below to view his short (1min.) video message. Read his timely article further below:  “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 When the virus was first detected […]
April 17, 2020
Jason Tan shares what our posture should be during this time of worldwide panic. Repentance starts with us.

Isaiah’s Call to Repentance “Here am I. Send me!”

Dr. Jason Tan shares a timely exegeses on Isaiah’s call to repentance. We hope you will be encouraged by this first installment of a weekly devotional article. For more on Jason, the current situation in the Philippines, and what inspired his devotional, click here to view a short (1min15s) video. “Here am I. Send me!” A call to repentance amidst the panic. (Isaiah 6:8b) Isaiah’s calling as a prophet started at a time of great political unrest. An imminent threat of invasion looms over the nation of Israel as the Assyrian army overtakes one nation at a time. National leaders […]
March 31, 2020
Author Barry Voss gives practical how-to's on how to develop your church's strategic plan.

How to Develop A Strategic Plan in 7 Steps

This article on how to develop a strategic plan is a continuation of author Barry Voss’s previous article here where Barry addressed why a strategic plan is necessary in Part One. Develop Your Church’s Strategic Plan Here are some basic steps to use when developing a strategic plan: Step #1: Organize a strategic planning group. The first thing you want to do is to put a team together who will develop the plan. You should pick key people who have appropriate skills or background in what you are planning. Step #2: Outline your Plan. The starting point to any plan is a simple […]
March 26, 2020

Strategic Planning

Planning is an important element in church or ministry leadership.  Robert Schuller, author and former Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in California, says, “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”  Having a clearly defined plan helps a church or ministry organize its resources and apply them in such a way as to best achieve their vision.  Without a plan, churches and ministries waste limited resources and valuable time, and inevitably fall short of achieving what God has called them to do.  Having a plan does not restrict a church or ministry to a prescribed course of action, but rather lays […]
March 24, 2020
How do we keep our churches focused on the Great Commission?

How to Keep Your Church Focused on the Great Commission

This article on the Church and the Great Commission is reshared with kind permission from Breeze church.  Something that scares me is that it’s possible to do church without actually doing what a church is called to do. It’s possible to gather people together, sing songs, listen to words spoken from a stage, pass offering plates, and not even come close to the mission that Jesus gave the Church. Does that scare you? I don’t ever want to be a church that isn’t accomplishing the Great Commission of reaching lost people and discipling them into Jesus followers. And yet, we know from […]
March 19, 2020
Disappointment in ministry is inevitable but

5 Ways to Handle Disappointment in Ministry

If you are in leadership or ministry long enough, you will have seasons and moments of disappointment. It might be someone you are counseling that walks away and doesn’t want your help. It might be a leader who decides they aren’t on board anymore, and they leave. Some will create division or hurt in your life. Maybe someone is mean to your wife or kids. The list is endless. What do you do in those moments? For many, these moments are when someone leaves for a new job — explaining how God has called them to a church that will […]