The Pastor and the Business Person
October 25, 2017
Scott Sauls On Unhealthy Ambition, Envy And Isolation In Leadership
March 17, 2018Introducing The Gospel Coalition + Online Resource Library (Free eBook Download)

Since its inception in 2006, The Gospel Coalition International Outreach (TGC IO) has distributed more than 850,000 theological books and resources to 130 plus countries in 38 languages and growing! TGC IO’s main purpose is to provide theological famine relief: serving the local church by delivering Gospel-centered and Christ-focused content. Through whatever means necessary, TGC IO utilizes multimedia content, events, books and international outreach to help strengthen churches. They are meeting a specific need in the Body for the strengthening of churches all over the world based on their insight that, “As pastors and church leaders are fed Gospel-centered, theologically sound ‘solid food,’ they will be better equipped to lead and grow the Christians they shepherd. Over time, these indigenous church leaders will author their own solid, biblical content in their native language, beginning to replace Western works with their own.”1
True to their commitment to provide theological tools to pastors worldwide so that the full Gospel is preached, TGC IO develops key resources based on the expressed needs of pastors. To do this, they collaborate with publishers located all over the world, in order to choose strategically or translate existing titles into languages that will help the largest people groups. Then TGC works with churches and missions organizations, as well as nonprofits, all over the world to give those free resources directly to the pastors who need them the most. To access the many quality resources they offer, please visit the links below.
The TGC IO wants to give the GProCommission a small window into the wide range of theological tools they can offer. In an effort to counter the prevalent and popular prosperity message, they are sharing an eye-opening book, “Prosperity? Seeking the True Gospel,” free of charge, as well as other key resources on the subject.
The GProCommunity team was able to do a short interview with one of the main authors, Pastor Ken Mbugua, who is based out of Nairobi, Kenya. He and his church, Immanual Baptist Church, are a key TGC partner as part of Ekklesia Afrika. Ekklesia Africa is a parachurch ministry vital to the work of TGC, providing book distribution for the East African region. TGC partnered with Acts Kenya to do a global English edition that has now been distributed in over 28 countries. We pray you will listen with an open heart and be encouraged to read this timely book so that you too can pass it on. For more resources on this topic, visit their website here and for more on The Gospel Coalition see further below.
Testimonies from “Prosperity? Seeking the True Gospel”
“Benester is a pastor of a church in Northern Tanzania along the shores of Lake Victoria as well as an overseer of 60 other churches and a small training school. During the past year, many in his congregation were hit hard by drought and crop loss. Widows and their children were particularly vulnerable. Unfortunately, a harmful theological trend in East Africa is causing a deeper harm. Many pastors are teaching their people, ‘Hardships have come your way because you lack faith. If you believe, the trials will vanish, replaced by riches.’ Benester is fighting that trend. Instead of shaming the widows, the people of his church are sharing their corn and praying for those in need. Benester was very pleased to receive a copy of the book, Prosperity? Seeking the True Gospel. He wants to honor God in his life and in his church. He expressed his appreciation to all who made that gift possible.”
“I am a Family Medicine physician [working in the capitol city]. My passion as been to see our staff grow in their spiritual lives, to equip them for ministry, to have as much of a spiritual impact on our patients and our community as we do a medical impact on their lives… It was about 2 years ago that I discovered TGC’s theological famine relief. Most recently our chaplain lead a study through Kevin DeYoung’s book, Taking God at His Word...But the resource that has been the best and I am so incredibly thankful for is, Prosperity? Seeking the True Gospel. Like much of Sub-Saharan Africa false property teaching is rampant here. It is a plague on the church. That study was SO good for our staff. Of all the bible studies that I have done here now, I have not had any book more practical and important than this one. I have been wanting to let you all know how important that book is for Africa.”
- For a full list of TGC IO free online resources, go to their resource site here. You can search the full list of resources by language or type of media.
- To see if you qualify for free resources in printed book form, fill out this survey.
- For more information on Theological Famine Relief, read interview here with TGC IO director Bill Walsh.