August 13, 2019

5 Ways to Preach a Half Done Sermon

Whenever I meet with a pastor or church planter, I ask them, “What are you preaching on this Sunday?” I love hearing what series other guys are doing, the creativity. Recently whenever I ask this question, I get blank stares or a response of “I’m not sure, I think I have a title.” Sometimes they aren’t even that far along. Too many pastors allow the busyness of their lives and ministries to crowd out their sermon prep. Here are 5 ways to make sure that you are killing yourself on Saturday night to put a sermon together. Is your sermon […]
November 9, 2018

How To Create Amazing Ministry Content (Part 1)

One of the most common comments I hear after preaching is, “How do you preach a 40 minute sermon without notes?” People tend to be dumbfounded that I, and others who preach at our church, can do this. The honest truth is that I think anyone could because it has to do with the creative process that I choose. My creative process is both simple and complicated. It’s simple because I do the exact same thing every time that I preach and yet it is complicated because it’s a long, multi-step process. I decided to share the process in this post. Now, you may or may not […]
July 24, 2018

The Sins of a Pastor || Your Bible is for More than Sermon Prep

Guest Post by Pastor Joshua Reich, reshared with kind permission. Pastors, like any person sin. While this may be surprising for some people as they put their pastors and their wife on a pedestal, it is true. Because of the nature of being a pastor and the life they live, their sins are often not obvious and ones that no one will ever know about. In fact, some of the most hurtful and dangerous sins are ones that a church and elders can unknowingly encourage. These sins are not in any particular order, just the order I wrote them in. This […]