September 5, 2019

5 Preaching Trends That Will Shape the Future

Continued from PART 1 here.  4. PREACHING TO THE HEART/AFFECTIONS (MARK) One of Jonathan Edwards’ great fears during the awakening that happened around his preaching was that the conversions of thousands of people to Christ weren’t real. That they were surface level, even counterfeit. His desire was that the gospel would change someone from the inside-out vs. the outside-in (through Religious Guilt or Cognitive Teaching, etc.,). He knew what Augustine said was true: that we are what we love, that the most powerful part about us wasn’t our thinking, but our feeling, our gut, and that true and effective preaching […]
July 4, 2019

Why People Choose Your Church

resharing with kind permission from the Breeze church.  How did you end up at the church you attend? I bet you have your reasons. Maybe you even wrote them down when you were church shopping or searching for a job. Most people have a list, even if they don’t know it. It’s often intuitive. Do you know what people are looking for? Research is helpful in this area and I’ve noticed trends in my own conversations with people who recently chose to make our church home or recently decided to leave. So, here’s the top six reasons I believe people […]
June 22, 2019

3rd GProCongress Anniversary Video and Message from Dr. Ramesh Richard

Three years ago, June 15–22, 2016, the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers convened in Bangkok, Thailand—and then the real event began. At this third anniversary of the GProCongress, we wish to encourage you with a glimpse of what God is doing through this short video and message from Dr. Ramesh Richard below.  To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the GProCongress in Bangkok, access our gift to you: “Teach the Church to Pray” available by download further below.  “A four-year event started with an eight day launch in June 2016.” That’s how I describe the Global Proclamation Commission for […]
May 30, 2019

8 Fundamental of Church Management Part II

Cont’d from Part I  Fundamental #5: Have a Compelling Vision Vision is about foresight, looking ahead and seeing the possibilities of what could be or where God may be leading you.  A vision can be defined as a statement about the future, an imagining of something specific that does not exist today. A pastor needs a clear vision of the future in order to guide and lead the church.  Without a vision a church has no direction, and the people “cast off restraint” (Proverbs 29:18), which means to simply go their own way or do what they think is best.  […]
May 23, 2019

GProCommission Interview with TOPIC: Increasing the Capacity

We all want more pastors to get more and better training. We are all contributing to that effort in some way with the passion, vision and resources God has provided us. We will never meet the need, though, unless we figure out how to work together more and better. Trainers of Pastors International Coalition (TOPIC) does just that—helps pastoral training organizations and local churches intentionally collaborate to train pastors more widely and effectively. We interviewed Al Bridges, TOPIC global facilitator, to learn more. The term “coalition” refers to a goal-driven cooperation between participants who retain their distinctive identities and interests. […]