July 10, 2018

How to Prepare to Preach When You Have No Time

Guest post from Kevin Halloran of Leadership Resources. According to an unscientific poll, Thom Rainer found that approximately 70% of pastors spend 10 to 18 hours in sermon preparation before preaching. What about the pastors without 10–18 hours? Many pastors (especially bi-vocational pastors and church planters) have to balance the rigors of a full-time job, family responsibilities, and shepherding the flock into their work week, and an extra 10 hours isn’t possible. And what if someone dies? Last-minute funeral sermons don’t prepare themselves during already busy weeks. What is one to do? This is a question we think about regularly, usually in regard […]
May 29, 2018

21 Skills of Great Preachers

Reposting with kind permission of Josh Reich.  After listening to preachers of many different denominations and having been a preacher for over sixty years, I find the following observations by Keith Drury to be particularly cogent. According to him, these are the twenty-one skills of great preachers: The one thing most of us would rather do than preach is hear another great preacher. I mean a “Great” preacher. I’ve learned plenty from hearing the best preachers, especially in a live setting. For most of my life, when sitting under a great preacher, I’ve taken dual sets of notes, including content […]
December 11, 2017

What One Question Can Move Your Meetings From “We Met – We Talked” To “We Met – We Decided!”?

Tired of meetings that don’t end in “We have decided…?” Read more… (shared with kind permission from Bob Tiede ) How often are you in meetings that have a topic(s) but no clear purpose that you are aware of? You Meet – You Talk – then the meeting ends and as you walk out the door, you scratch your head and ask yourself, “Was anything decided?”  Frustrating, isn’t it?  Did you know that you can change this?  You can!  Just by asking “One Simple Question!” But first: How would you score your “Current Meeting Effectiveness” for the meetings you lead? How […]