October 17, 2019

Healthy Church Systems

Many leaders and couples get into church planting or leading in a church because we care about people and want to see their lives changed; marriages healed, past hurts redeemed, addictions broken. This is why we labor, pray, vision cast, have meetings, preach sermons and sacrifice like we do. But how does that happen? The work of the Holy Spirit is one, but the other part of that is through relationships and systems. God is a God of systems and relationships. We see in Genesis 1 both of these. God creates man and woman in His image, and we see […]
September 3, 2019

5 Preaching Trends That Will Shape the Future (PART 1)

In a culture where everything’s changing, so is preaching. Sure…the message never changes, but the method has to if you want to be effective. What worked in preaching a decade ago is less effective today, not because the scripture or Gospel has changed, but because the culture has. The fact that 70-80% of all churches are plateaued or declining and the rash of deconversions we’re seeing are evidence that in many cases, what used to be effective isn’t anymore. This is a post I wrote with Mark Clark, Lead Pastor of Village Church, a church that reaches over 5000 people each weekend […]
February 22, 2019

Interview with Venezuelan Pastoral Trainer: Resilience in times of turbulence

The GProCommunity team knows many pastoral trainers face tremendous challenges every day—even for years—and all of us face seemingly overwhelming obstacles at times in life. We believe one way the Lord Jesus enables us to “remain steadfast” (cf. James 1:12) is by hearing from each other. We were recently privileged to chat with a pastoral trainer remaining resilient in turbulence. Dr. Jesus Sampedro joyfully trains pastoral leaders amid the chaos and calamity that have overtaken his home country of Venezuela. We think his vision, passion and practical insights will both encourage you and help you press forward in pastoral training […]