September 2, 2020

“Testing, Testing, Testing…” Series

We hope you enjoy this timely article series from Dr. Ramesh Richard. “Testing, Testing, Testing” was originally shared in RR Crossing, a RREACH spiritual health resource. Below is an overview of the four-part series complete with the corresponding video message from Dr. Richard. “Testing, Testing, Testing… Global PAN(DEM)IC and a Sound Faith” Introduction “A global contagion has unnerved the collective human psyche. Panic is embedded in pandemic, not solely in letter, but in spirit. The scale and speed of this pathogen have united the world in fear. You, too, may have felt a bit anxious over these exceptional days of […]
August 20, 2020

“Testing, Testing, Testing …” Part I – An Identity Check

Testing, Testing, Testing … Global PAN(DEM)IC and a Sound Faith Part I of III Dr. Ramesh Richard Disruptions always test the quality of our self-identity. We form identities for other people’s benefit, and sometimes at another’s expense. Psychologists and sociologists point to multiple types of identities with many inputs and components. For instance, identity politics divides by race, color, caste, religion, gender and so on. Identity economics categorizes society by monetary markers, whether in a three-class or nine-class hierarchy. As with the American Great Depression, widespread crises serve to flatten the condescension of the rich and the posturing of the […]
August 20, 2020

“Testing, Testing, Testing …” Part III – A Security Check

Testing, Testing, Testing… Global PAN(DEM)IC and a Sound Faith Part III of III Dr. Ramesh Richard   Security builds on survival—a basic human need—but takes a longer view. You and I have physically survived until now, or we wouldn’t be in dialogue. But physical survival does not guarantee security. The onslaught of a dangerous infectious agent threatens the physical health of tens of thousands, myself included. It also undermines economic and psychological safety. “Shelter-in-place” mandates restrict current movement and activity in our city. Economic upheaval eerily looms over any benefits formerly afforded by economic freedom. The international supply chain is […]
August 7, 2020

Testing, Testing, Testing…

   Testing, Testing, Testing… Global PAN(DEM)IC and a Sound Faith Introduction Dr. Ramesh Richard Technical assistants attach a microphone to my face or jacket to ready me for another talk. “Say something. We need a sound check.” Earlier in my speaking career I used to count up or down for sound checks. On occasions I have quoted Scripture, mimicking my dad, who ascended Martin Luther’s pulpit in Wittenberg, recited aloud, “The just shall live by faith,” and quickly alighted. These days, I resort to a dry three-peat: “Testing, testing, testing.” A global contagion has unnerved the collective human psyche. […]
January 28, 2020
Dr. Ramesh Richard shares his one word for the year: Able

Able-Our Word for 2020 and Beyond

Limits characterize life. Humans experience physical and psychological limitations, geographical and chronological parameters, cultural and intellectual boundaries. Call it finitude. We may try to maximize this existential reality, and we must. Some even break human limits in indirect ways. Remember when poets thanked God that “men cannot fly”? Now we fly, harnessing mind, metal and nature to transport us across the world and to the moon and back—most often with bags. Finitude is attended by frailty. All earthly life features a necessary beginning and an inevitable end. Once we cross peak age, which comes all too early (25, I am […]
December 4, 2019

A Leaders Defection: The Goodby Kiss Part II

Dr. Richard’s article on Christian leaders defection and our response reshared and cont’d from PART I. The clincher for me on the issue of eternal life is the very meaning of eternal in that life. If eternal life can be lost for any reason at all, it is not eternal by any definition. In addition is the question of proportionate contribution. To the extent to which one contributes to salvation, to that extent it can be undone. Contribute much to it, undo it easily. Contribute a little bit, undo it eventually, with one too many sins. Contribute nothing, and simply […]
December 3, 2019
Baby monkey clinging to his mother, showing the monkey example of grace.

When Christian Leaders Defect: “The Goodbye Kiss”

Dr. Ramesh Richard shares his wisdom and insight on how to reflect and understand as well as react when high-profile leaders defect from the faith.  God has patiently put up with a history of leaders who defect—of whom I am one. I defect often. Although I am more aware of my sins of commission than omission, my every sin denies and defies allegiance to the Lord I love. I must return to the One I belong by confession, quickly and regularly, about attitudes and actions not aligned to His standards. Short History Two higher-profile defections in 2019—a mega-church pastor and […]
October 24, 2019

Designer Shoes

This article “Designer Shoes” is reshared from RREACH. Searching for worship music and sneakers on the internet, a young man started noticing a strange occurrence. Several Christian pastors wore rather expensive sneakers in the pictures on their church websites. The shoes ranged from $600 to $3,000. This trend alarmed him, and he asked a question, “What is OK as far as optics … as far as pastors wearing hype or designer clothing?”. His Instagram post started a blaze of comment from the Wall Street Journal to the New York Times and several other media outlets. Public criticism is an occupational hazard of Christian leadership. […]
May 22, 2018

Reflections on Legacy and the Future from Dr. Ramesh Richard

March 20, 2018 My dear friend, I write this letter on John Richard’s 95th birthday. I am seized by his memory. He passed away 17 days short of this rather momentous day. I was fully expecting him to make it and had airline tickets to surprise him with a visit today. Instead, he surprised us! Quite well till the last five days of his life, he entered into his heavenly reward. After a brief struggle, surrounded by loving family, he worshipped His Lord Jesus, whispering St. Paul’s “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course…” and singing […]