June 12, 2018

Caring for Your Pastor

Reposting with kind permission from the Table Podcast. Darrell Bock: Welcome to The Table, where we discuss issues of God and culture. I’m Darrell Bock, Executive Director for Cultural Engagement at The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary. And our topic today is “Pastoral Care.” Not the care that pastors care but care for the pastor. And I have two distinguished guests with me today, Bruce Ewing, who is Special Assistant to the President and Alumni Relations here at Dallas Theological Seminary. Welcome, Bruce. Bruce Ewing: Thank you.Darrell BockAnd Joe Allen, our distinguished Chaplain at the Seminary. Just finished rookie […]
March 20, 2018

Is Church More than a Sermon?

In this podcast “Church: More than a sermon,” Drs. Darrell L. Bock, Michael Svigel, and Barry Jones discuss the question, “Why does church attendance matter if we have worship music, sermons online, and fellowship with other believers everyday?” and related inquiries from participants.  Timecode: 01:39 Why should we go to church? 07:20 Why can’t seminary substitute for the local church? 11:25 The culture of the consumerism and the church. 16:20 Women and the church 19:55 Communicating the importance of church as a minister 23:15 What if the church is not spiritually forming? 25:20 How do we stress the importance and expectations of community? 32:45 Is it a […]
March 17, 2018

Scott Sauls On Unhealthy Ambition, Envy And Isolation In Leadership

Reshared with kind permission from the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast.  Scott Sauls offers some keen observations about the heart and soul of leaders. In this wide-ranging conversation, Scott talks about why our culture is so angry, and gives penetrating insights into why leaders end up with unhealthy ambitions, find themselves envious of others and wind up isolated. Welcome to Episode 178 of the podcast. Listen and access the show notes below or search for the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts and listen for free. Listen to podcast here 3 Insights From This Episode 1. Leaders need […]
March 5, 2018

Introducing The Gospel Coalition + Online Resource Library (Free eBook Download)

Since its inception in 2006, The Gospel Coalition International Outreach (TGC IO) has distributed more than 850,000 theological books and resources to 130 plus countries in 38 languages and growing! TGC IO’s main purpose is to provide theological famine relief: serving the local church by delivering Gospel-centered and Christ-focused content. Through whatever means necessary, TGC IO utilizes multimedia content, events, books and international outreach to help strengthen churches. They are meeting a specific need in the Body for the strengthening of churches all over the world based on their insight that, “As pastors and church leaders are fed Gospel-centered, theologically […]
October 25, 2017

The Pastor and the Business Person

In this episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Tom Nelson discuss work and the pastorate, focusing on the church’s relationship to the business world. 00:15 Nelson’€™s background integrating a theology of work with ministry 03:30 How the concept of faith and work entered Nelson’€™s ministry 06:30 The importance of Genesis to biblical theology of work 11:45 How did understanding a biblical theology of work affect your ministry? EXCERPT FROM TRANSCRIPT: Tom Nelson: But yeah, I was committed to teaching the word, to helping people walk closer to Jesus in their own private walk with God, and helping them with their […]