July 27, 2019

Zimbabwean Pastors hunger for God’s Word: GProCommission Update

Pastor Calson’s life changed dramatically after he attended Leadership International’s Biblical Foundation courses in 2000. Now he labors full-time giving others the same blessing he received. “Pastors hunger to learn more about God’s Word,” Pastor Calson says. As Leadership International – Zimbabwe’s national director, he travels through Zimbabwe and surrounding countries teaching pastoral leaders how to interpret the Bible according to what God intends. He has a heart for pastors in rural areas, where congregations might be meeting in a classroom or under a tree and training is especially scarce. Just holding the study Bible they receive with the training […]
July 16, 2019

Building Community in the Church

reshared with kind permission from author Barry Voss.  An important and often unrecognized role of the church leader is to build community among those he or she leads.  Just as Christ surrounded Himself with his disciples and lived in fellowship with them, we too as leaders must develop a Christian community among our people as well.  We need to recognize that God desires that we work together in ministry, with each of us being a part of the Body of Christ.  No person can do all of the work of the ministry alone.  By developing a community of faithful believers […]
May 23, 2019

GProCommission Interview with TOPIC: Increasing the Capacity

We all want more pastors to get more and better training. We are all contributing to that effort in some way with the passion, vision and resources God has provided us. We will never meet the need, though, unless we figure out how to work together more and better. Trainers of Pastors International Coalition (TOPIC) does just that—helps pastoral training organizations and local churches intentionally collaborate to train pastors more widely and effectively. We interviewed Al Bridges, TOPIC global facilitator, to learn more. The term “coalition” refers to a goal-driven cooperation between participants who retain their distinctive identities and interests. […]
May 14, 2019

2 Critical Characteristics of Veteran Pastors

reshared with kind permission from Breeze church.  Recently I found myself in a fascinating conversation with a pastor who is in his 4th decade of ministry and still thriving in his role. How someone survives this long with a heart alive to God and a passion for people and the church is something I’m deeply interested in. I’m guessing you are as well. Two moments in, this conversation shocked me and revealed the character qualities required for such a long and faithful run in ministry. I’m hoping these ideas will be helpful to you. So, here’s what I learned… Cruise […]
May 2, 2019

How To Give People In Your Church A Voice

Resharing with kind permission from Breeze Church. One of the most frustrating things about being a part of any organization is finding out about decisions that were made by people above you…that affect you…that you had no voice in. Not cool man! And, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The reason we find situations like this so frustrating is because we feel like we aren’t being heard. Being heard is important because it communicates value. Also, as someone who makes decisions on a regular basis that affect the people under my care, I’ve come to learn that I […]
April 9, 2019

A Missions Organization Focused on the Church: The Story of Leadership Resources (Part 2 of 3)

Resharing with kind permission from Leadership Resources International. This is Part Two of a series. Read Part One that shares Bill Mills testimony and about the early years of Leadership Resources’ ministry or listen to the complete interview below.  Bill: [Following how God was moving] led to some drastic changes in the nature and direction of our work. We were doing one-to-one discipleship. People were coming to us from all over the place—students from seminaries and Bible schools, housewives, business guys. It was a rich and rewarding ministry. But the more we studied the Scriptures, the more we realized that we were taking […]
April 4, 2019

Training Pastors Under Persecution: Video Interview

Pastor Daniel Fodorean knows times of persecution first-hand. He also believes that “freedom or not, we can train pastors!” Growing up in Romania, Pastor Daniel chose to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of living under an oppressive political regime that tried to eliminate religion. “Nobody can stop the Church,” he says. “The Church will still serve the Lord no matter the circumstances. Also, when we want to train leaders, no matter if there is freedom or not, we can train leaders.” He admits it was–and will be–hard. In his country, the Secret Police raided training sessions and arrested pastors. […]
April 4, 2019

How One Man’s Heart for Discipleship Became a Worldwide Movement of Biblical Exposition: (Part 1 of 3)

Reshared with kind permission of Leadership Resources International. LRI’s Kevin Halloran recently conversed with LRI Founder, Bill Mills, about God’s faithfulness in the ministry of LRI and how He transformed a one-to-one discipleship ministry into a ministry training pastors in over 35 countries. Listen to the audio of our full 45-minute conversation (listen below or with this link) or read the first portion of the transcript. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for future interviews. Kevin Halloran: Bill, the story of LRI, like the story of any organization or any ministry, begins with one person. You didn’t grow up in a Christian home. Can you […]
April 2, 2019

How is Your Ministry Work MPG?

Reshared with kind permission by Breeze church. What’s the best car you’ve ever owned? Maybe your first car comes to mind. The freedom of leaving your parents’ house and driving on your own! Sure it was rusty and falling apart and left a hole in the ozone above your hometown but…FREEDOM! Maybe you had a sports car that pushed you back in your seat and made your heart race…before kids and the inevitable surrender to the minivan. Or, maybe, like me, you had a car with insanely good gas mileage and every time you filled up your gas tank you […]