May 2, 2019

How To Give People In Your Church A Voice

Resharing with kind permission from Breeze Church. One of the most frustrating things about being a part of any organization is finding out about decisions that were made by people above you…that affect you…that you had no voice in. Not cool man! And, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The reason we find situations like this so frustrating is because we feel like we aren’t being heard. Being heard is important because it communicates value. Also, as someone who makes decisions on a regular basis that affect the people under my care, I’ve come to learn that I […]
April 30, 2019

Traveling with God

I travel on airplanes a lot, mostly internationally, and I usually request a seat with more legroom because I am quite tall and a regular economy seat is just too small for me, especially on longer flights. So I am willing to pay a higher price for a more comfortable seat. Recently I was upgraded to business class (first class on most aircraft nowadays) on a 10 hour flight back to Atlanta from Rome and I felt truly blessed to get a better class of service with even more comfort for such a long flight. My status as a regular […]
April 23, 2019

Leading With Courage and Compassion

   Mikel Del Rosario Welcome to The Table where we discuss issues of God and culture. I’m Mikel Del Rosario, Cultural Engagement Manager at the Hendricks Center. And today our topic is leading with courage and compassion. I have two guests in the studio today. First guest is Dr. Darrell Bock, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament at Dallas Seminary. Welcome, Darrell. Dr. Darrell Bock I’m glad to be here. Mikel Del Rosario Thanks for being one of our expert guests today. Dr. Darrell Bock I’m feeling odd in this chair, but I […]
April 4, 2019

Training Pastors Under Persecution: Video Interview

Pastor Daniel Fodorean knows times of persecution first-hand. He also believes that “freedom or not, we can train pastors!” Growing up in Romania, Pastor Daniel chose to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of living under an oppressive political regime that tried to eliminate religion. “Nobody can stop the Church,” he says. “The Church will still serve the Lord no matter the circumstances. Also, when we want to train leaders, no matter if there is freedom or not, we can train leaders.” He admits it was–and will be–hard. In his country, the Secret Police raided training sessions and arrested pastors. […]
April 4, 2019

How One Man’s Heart for Discipleship Became a Worldwide Movement of Biblical Exposition: (Part 1 of 3)

Reshared with kind permission of Leadership Resources International. LRI’s Kevin Halloran recently conversed with LRI Founder, Bill Mills, about God’s faithfulness in the ministry of LRI and how He transformed a one-to-one discipleship ministry into a ministry training pastors in over 35 countries. Listen to the audio of our full 45-minute conversation (listen below or with this link) or read the first portion of the transcript. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for future interviews. Kevin Halloran: Bill, the story of LRI, like the story of any organization or any ministry, begins with one person. You didn’t grow up in a Christian home. Can you […]
April 2, 2019

How is Your Ministry Work MPG?

Reshared with kind permission by Breeze church. What’s the best car you’ve ever owned? Maybe your first car comes to mind. The freedom of leaving your parents’ house and driving on your own! Sure it was rusty and falling apart and left a hole in the ozone above your hometown but…FREEDOM! Maybe you had a sports car that pushed you back in your seat and made your heart race…before kids and the inevitable surrender to the minivan. Or, maybe, like me, you had a car with insanely good gas mileage and every time you filled up your gas tank you […]
March 12, 2019

How to Handle Criticism in Life & Leadership

If you are new to leadership, you might wonder why you get criticized. The reality is if you are a leader in any capacity, that is the only requirement to get criticized. If you are a leader and I’m using the word leader to define someone who is out in front of a church or organization, casting a vision for the future, leading people there. If you are at that person, it means you are pushing the status quo; you are most likely making changes of some kind. If you preach on a weekly basis, you are challenging people to […]
March 7, 2019

The Struggle is Real: 4 truths every pastor needs to apply to be healthy.

(and I mean, the struggle is real.) Today I heard the most heartbreaking story. A pastor friend whom we hadn’t seen and heard of in more than a decade finally agreed to meet up with my husband and I. We had only heard rumors here and there, and tried on many occasions to reach out to him then, only to face a dead end. Today, he met us. It was true, he had left the pastorate. It was true, he had cut off all his connections with the church community and his Christian friends. It was true,  he had walked […]
February 22, 2019

Interview with Venezuelan Pastoral Trainer: Resilience in times of turbulence

The GProCommunity team knows many pastoral trainers face tremendous challenges every day—even for years—and all of us face seemingly overwhelming obstacles at times in life. We believe one way the Lord Jesus enables us to “remain steadfast” (cf. James 1:12) is by hearing from each other. We were recently privileged to chat with a pastoral trainer remaining resilient in turbulence. Dr. Jesus Sampedro joyfully trains pastoral leaders amid the chaos and calamity that have overtaken his home country of Venezuela. We think his vision, passion and practical insights will both encourage you and help you press forward in pastoral training […]