December 11, 2017

What One Question Can Move Your Meetings From “We Met – We Talked” To “We Met – We Decided!”?

Tired of meetings that don’t end in “We have decided…?” Read more… (shared with kind permission from Bob Tiede ) How often are you in meetings that have a topic(s) but no clear purpose that you are aware of? You Meet – You Talk – then the meeting ends and as you walk out the door, you scratch your head and ask yourself, “Was anything decided?”  Frustrating, isn’t it?  Did you know that you can change this?  You can!  Just by asking “One Simple Question!” But first: How would you score your “Current Meeting Effectiveness” for the meetings you lead? How […]
December 4, 2017

What Makes A Good Sermon?

The podcast “What Makes A Good Sermon?” shared with kind permission from the Table podcast. In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Abe Kuruvilla discuss what makes a good sermon, focusing on preparation, sermon structure, and application. Excerpt from transcript below: Darrell Bock Welcome to The Table, we discuss issues of God and culture. I’m Darrell Bock, executive director for cultural engagement at the Hendricks Center of Dallas Theological Seminary, and my guest today is Abe Kuruvilla, who is professor of preaching here at Dallas Theological Seminary. He gets to listen to lots and lots and lots of sermons. […]
December 4, 2017


By Donna Tan In Part I, I made mention of three things to check in order to keep our marriages intact amidst the pile of ministry commitments. Check Ourselves Check Our Team Check Our Purpose Here are three other areas you’d want to also keep in check. They are going to help you in your ministry. Let’s continue. Check Your Support Base Other than your family, you also have a support base. If you don’t have one yet, then strongly consider! Your support base is composed of people who recognize and respect your relationship with God, and your relationship with […]