175 results found for: leadership


12 Secrets Most Leaders Won’t Tell You

Reshared with kind permission from Carey Nieuwof. Leadership is a journey…a journey that’s probably different than you thought it would be before you stepped into leadership. When I was young, I always thought top leaders had it all figured out. That the uncertainty would one day disappear once I had more life and leadership under my belt. But as you eventually learn, it doesn’t really work that way. In fact, I think most leaders struggle more than they let on. I know personally, at one point or another, I’ve struggled in each of the areas listed below. But, at the […]


8 Fundamentals for Church Management

“But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry” 2 Timothy 4:5 The job of being a pastor is not just theological and spiritual. While preaching and teaching the Word of God and ministering to people spiritually is their primary function, they are also called upon to lead people, oversee many ministries, manage church resources, develop plans & budgets, manage church finances, plan & conduct worship services, arrange weddings & funerals, plan ministry events, develop training materials, provide counseling, manage church properties, and the list goes […]


8 Fundamental of Church Management Part II

Cont’d from Part I  Fundamental #5: Have a Compelling Vision Vision is about foresight, looking ahead and seeing the possibilities of what could be or where God may be leading you.  A vision can be defined as a statement about the future, an imagining of something specific that does not exist today. A pastor needs a clear vision of the future in order to guide and lead the church.  Without a vision a church has no direction, and the people “cast off restraint” (Proverbs 29:18), which means to simply go their own way or do what they think is best.  […]

How to Make Vision For Your Church Actually Stick

Reposting with kind permission from Breeze church.  A few weeks ago, I experienced a frustrating conversation. Someone on my staff was talking with a few of our volunteers and when I walked up to say hello to everyone, my staff member asked if we had a mission statement. I was like, “Wut?!? In front of our volunteers you don’t know our mission statement?” In my mind, everyone knows our mission statement because…well, everyone knows! We talk about it all the time, right? I guess not. My initial thought was, “You’re fired.” But then I remembered that when the team doesn’t […]


A Simple, Biblical, and Glorious Approach of Discipleship: The 4 P’s

Reshared with kind permission from Leadership Resources Intl. Do you ever overcomplicate things? Instead of taking the short, logical route while driving, you choose the roundabout way that gets you to your destination twenty minutes late. Instead of simply asking your friend a question, you think through all possible scenarios of how the conversation might go. We have the potential to overcomplicate everything—even discipleship. The Vine Project: Shaping Your Ministry Culture Around Disciple-Making, written by our friends Tony Payne and Colin Marshall, presents a compellingly biblical, yet simple way to think about discipleship, “Disciples are made by the persevering proclamation of the word […]


How to Lead Through Imperfect Conditions

Let’s face it, you’d love to have ideal conditions to lead in. Who wouldn’t? And while, ideally: Your team would be perfectly motivated to achieve the mission No good team member would ever leave You’d be inspired to write every day The people you’re trying to reach would be open and receptive You’d introduce change without any fear or pushback All your ideas would be great ideas Life isn’t like that. At all. And yet it’s easy to get into a place where you’re hesitant to act, constantly frustrated and thinking of quitting because things never seem like they’re as […]


Three Lies Pastors Believe

reshared with kind permission from Josh Reich.    All of us believe lies in our lives and those lies shape us. Lies that we aren’t good enough, strong enough, that I owe God, that we can be in control, that God doesn’t love us, that we aren’t lovable or worthwhile. Lies like these, shape us. And if we don’t face them, these lies will determine the stories we tell and live. Pastor’s believe lies as well. I know that might be a shock, but it’s true. And like lies in our personal lives, if we don’t face them, name them and […]